“Use of Humour in Case Management with High Risk Children and Families” Social Work Journal Club Chat 17/11/13 8pm GMT #swjcchat

10 11 2013

After my brief work-related hiatus, I propose starting with this article next week for a discussion “Use of Humour in Case Management with High Risk Children and Families” by Gilgun and Sharma and published in the British Journal of Social Work 2011 (vol 42 issue 3). The article is open access and I think it presents a lot of interesting points that can be extrapolated to the way we, as social workers, we do and could use humour in all the areas we work in. I don’t have any experience of working with children so hopefully others can join in with their own experiences in that perspective but having looked through the article, I think a lot of the situations and learning can be discussed in a broader sense.


Over the week, I’ll write up some of my thoughts and a summary of the article but read and enjoy and join me at the new, improved (hopefully, as it was chosen by democratically!) time of Sunday 17th November at 8pm GMT.



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